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Serica NL7575
Coffee Brown

Product details

Core: MDF
Surface: Melamine
Finish: Supermatt
Design: Colour
Texture: Plain
Grain: No grain

B side description

Same as side A

Machining Options

Cut to size:
CNC machining:

Additional Information

Available downloads

Product code : SR.NL7575

Product dimensions

Length (mm):
Width (mm):
Available thicknesses (mm) : 18
Available thicknesses (mm): 36
Full sheet price:
Total: £155.00

Total: £155.00

With VAT: £92.99

Sheet price with cutting
(up to 20 pieces per sheet) :
Total: £190.00

Total: £190.00

With VAT: £150.99

VAT is not included in the prices.

Explanation how to use Cut and Edged table

Explanation how to use Cut and Edged table

Explanation how to use Cut and Edged table

Explanation how to use Cut and Edged table

Explanation how to use Cut and Edged table

Explanation how to use Cut and Edged table

Explanation how to use Cut and Edged table

Explanation how to use Cut and Edged table

Explanation how to use Cut and Edged table

Add your cuts below. Units are mm.

This product is priced by full sheet.

Stock total£0.00
Cutting charge total£0.00

Product code : SR.NL7575
Serica NL7575
Coffee Brown

Product characteristics

Core: MDF
Surface: Melamine
Finish: Supermatt
Design: Colour
Texture: Plain
Grain: No grain

B side description

Same as side A

Machining Options

Cut to size:
CNC machining:

Available downloads

Product dimensions

Available thicknesses [mm]: 18
Full sheet price:
Sheet price with cutting (up to 20 pieces per sheet) :
Available thicknesses [mm]: 36
Full sheet price:
Sheet price with cutting (up to 20 pieces per sheet) :

Total: £77.49

With VAT: £92.99

Dimensions : 1220 mm
x 3050 mm
x 18,36 mm
Length : 1220 mm
Width : 3050 mm
Thickness : 18,36 mm
Price per Sheet :

Explanation how to use Cut and Edged table

1. Input the length, the width, the thickness select either 18 or 36, input the quantity and lastly the name.
2. Select L1, L2, W1, W2 - the values it is set to 1mm and 2mm
3. If you want to add more cut and edge, click on "Add" button.
4. Once done, calculate price and when it is good, click on "Add to Basket"
4. Delete button is to delete the inputed numbers and can do it again.

B - Banding
L1/L2 - Length
W1/W2 - Width (selection for 1 and 2 are set to edging thickness millimeters(mm))